Mobile Office Hours: Berne Public LIbrary

Dear Friends,

I will be hosting Mobile Office Hours on Friday, August 3, from 3:00 to 6:00pm at the Berne Public Library Community Room, located at 1763 Helderberg Trail, Berne, New York 12023.

If you are in the area and have any questions about the federal government, ranging from veterans' benefits to Social Security to small business loans, please stop by and introduce yourself. My staff and I are here to help, and we want to serve as a resource in any way we can. No appointment is necessary for this event.

I am honored to have the opportunity to serve you as your local Member of Congress. I look forward to our continued dialogue, and appreciate any feedback or information you wish to share with me. Please feel free to invite other family, friends and neighbors as well. If you have any additional comments or questions, please do not hesitate to contact my office in Albany at (518) 465-0700. My door is always open.

I hope to see you there!

Your friend,