Healthcare Repeal added to Ryan-McConnell Tax plan for the Wealthy

November 15, 2017

Dear Friends:

Last night, Senate Republicans added healthcare repeal to the Ryan-McConnell tax plan.

If it passes, this change will mean higher premiums for you and your family and 13 million more Americans without access to quality, affordable healthcare.

To be clear, the Republican plan was already a bad deal -- a Trojan horse for our middle class and working poor, millions of whom will see higher taxes under this plan just to pay for big breaks for the wealthy.

Here are the facts: Millions of Americans will face higher taxes under the Ryan-McConnell tax plan, many of them in our home state of New York.

The people hit hardest would include:

Hardest hit

Ryan-McConnell Tax Plan


$250 deduction for classroom expenses eliminated


Tuition deduction eliminated

 Former Students

Student loan interest deduction eliminated

 New Yorkers

Eliminates State and Local Tax Deduction (SALT) that prevents double-taxation

 Middle class families Raises taxes on more than 36 million Americans

 People with chronic or unexpected health costs

Medical expense deduction eliminated (73% of people taking this deduction make less than $75,000/year)

 People whose homes are destroyed

Deduction eliminated for homes destroyed unless recognized by an Act of Congress

 People with disabilities

Eliminates Disabled Access Tax Credit that helps small businesses pay for accessibility upgrades


Eliminates Work Opportunity Tax Credit that encourages employers to hire veterans with service-connected disabilities, who are unemployed or who receive food assistance benefits

 People with jobs that can be outsourced

Creates incentives for companies moving jobs overseas

The Republican healthcare repeal effort failed multiple times earlier this year because people like you spoke up, made calls, posted on social media, sent letters to representatives and news outlets, and most importantly asked your friends, parents, children, cousins, coworkers, everyone who would listen to do the same. That is what I am doing now.

The Ryan-McConnell tax plan is another attack on America's middle class to give big breaks to wealthy people who don't need them.

And now it includes a healthcare repeal that will drive up premiums and hurt millions of Americans.

Your voice matters. Together, we can do this.

REMINDER: New York's Health Insurance Marketplace is Now Open!

If you sign up by December 15th, you can get coverage that starts on January 1, 2018.

Financial help is available and coverage may be more affordable than you think. During last year’s enrollment period, 8 in 10 people who enrolled in health insurance through New York’s exchange qualified for financial help. Most people will find insurance that costs them between $50 and $100 per month.

For details and to compare available plans, please visit or call 1-855-355-5777.

Want to get in touch with a broker or navigator who can help you sign up for insurance? Search for someone in your area here

During open enrollment, you and your family have options. If you have any questions, my office may be able to help. 
