Good morning,

As Congress reconvenes this year, I'd like to thank you for staying connected with our Congressional office. Over the past year, we've seen continued job growth and economic improvement in the Capital Region, but our work is not yet done. Partisanship and rancor in Washington continue to stand in the way of higher wages and financial security for the middle class and those struggling to enter it.

In 2016, I will continue to fight for economic justice for all by supporting the American manufacturing sector and providing our small businesses locally the tools they need to hire and expand right here in New York.

While the economy remains my top priority, I can, and do, focus on more than one issue at a time. Congress has a long and growing to-do list, and it's past time to start crossing some things off.

Click here to tell me what you believe the main focus of Congress should be as we move forward this year.

I want to wish health, fun and prosperity to you, your family, and your friends this year. Thank you again for staying in touch, and please don't hesitate to give me a call at one of my offices if I can ever be of service. My door is always open.