Rebuilding Our Economy Must be Guided by Science & Public Health

May 9, 2020

This week, a number of states across the nation began the process of reducing public health protections in order to ramp up their economies. I know well the restlessness of business owners, workers and countless others who are eager to get back up and running. Unfortunately, none of the states relaxing their standards have met the criteria of public health experts including the Administration’s own guidelines for reopening. These criteria include:

  • A measurable downward trajectory of COVID-19 cases or patterns of COVID-like symptoms across the region within a 14-day period.
  • A robust testing program for at-risk healthcare workers, including antibody testing that can show possible immunity.
  • Consistent, quick and independent supply of sufficient Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and critical medical equipment to handle any dramatic surges in need.

Like many of you, I’ve been feeling anxious and ready for this to end. But I also know that the worst thing we can do for containing this pandemic and its many harms is to reopen before it’s safe to do so. This process must be guided by science, and that starts with widespread testing. Otherwise we risk erasing all of the hard-won progress we have made, and exposing millions more Americans to this deadly and largely unknown disease.

In that regard, I am deeply troubled by recent reports that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have reversed course and decided not to issue guidance on how communities can reopen. We should be working to equip ourselves and each other with credible, reliable information and resources to ensure we are making the best possible decisions for ourselves, our families and our communities.

In early April, I sent a letter to Vice President Pence requesting that the Administration not only invoke the Defense Production Act, but implement it in full force so that our most impacted communities can receive the resources they need. Taking this step at the time would have saved lives and helped us move far more quickly through this crisis. I have repeated that call several times since then. It’s not too late, and the shortages of PPE, testing supplies and more continue to hamper our national response to this pandemic. 

We must not forget our emergency responders, police officers, firefighters, transit workers, teachers and other vital personnel who are still working day in and day out to support us throughout this crisis. I have been fighting to secure funding for our local and state governments so that they are able to support these heroes. 

Congress has taken some steps to help America’s small businesses, hospitals and workers weather this storm, and we continue to make sure we’re supporting those on the job working to keep our communities going every day. Our next legislative action must provide the support Americans need to protect lives and livelihoods. We must address both the enormous physical threat of this virus by working to stop the spread with adequate testing, tracing and PPE, as well as the devastating economic hardships it has posed for millions, with staggering job loss and unemployment rates.

Our fundamental mission is to overcome this crisis as quickly as possible. Doing so will save countless lives and give us our best shot at a strong economic recovery. We cannot accomplish this without the guidance of science, grounded in testing and contact tracing while we maintain responsible social distancing.

We need to get this right. If we don’t, our economy will suffer an even greater backlash, our healthcare workers will be put at greater unnecessary risk, and countless precious lives will be needlessly lost. We are in this together, one nation carrying the banner of E Pluribus Unum—out of many we are one. We will overcome this pandemic because, in times of crisis, Americans of good conscience have always joined together in selfless resolve and sacrifice to protect our loved ones, our country and our way of life. If we are guided by that spirit now, and the strength and resolve afforded by science, we will come through this a greater, stronger nation.

Thank you for your continued courage, strength and civic spirit.

As always, thank you for reading.

Your friend,