Healthcare is a right worth fighting for

July 14, 2018

Dear Friends:

With so much news demanding our attention these days, it can be easy to lose track of the kitchen table issues that will directly affect our lives and our loved ones. I am writing to you today to highlight a recent development that I am focusing on: healthcare for New Yorkers and millions of Americans. 

This week, President Trump nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh to serve a lifetime appointment on the U.S. Supreme Court. Judge Kavanaugh has argued that the President has the authority to decline enforcement of the laws Congress has passed. This could have serious and lasting consequences for our health care.

The current Department of Justice has already announced that it will not defend the law protecting Americans with pre-existing conditions, along with several other key protections from the Affordable Care Act. That means Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation could threaten the well-being and health of millions of America's seniors and 130 million Americans under 65 who have a pre-existing condition.  

Last month New York health insurance providers posted their requested premium increases for 2019 – 24 percent on average and for some insurers nearly 40 percent in just one year. The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office warned us that disastrous GOP tax bill would cause premiums to skyrocket. Now it's happening and we are already paying the price. Without that giveaway to the wealthy, premium increase requests would have come in around 14 percent—still a concern but far less than we're seeing now.  

In June, Medicare trustees reported that the Medicare Trust Fund lifespan has been cut three years, due in large part to the GOP tax bill. The fund is now set to run out in less than a decade. As a result, hospital expenses will increase significantly and fewer people will be insured.  

And the hits keep coming. Last week the Trump administration announced that it is freezing “risk adjustment” payments under The Affordable Care Act. These payments make it easier for insurers to cover patients regardless of their health status or history. Major national health insurers have confirmed that this action by the president will almost certainly lead to higher premiums for individuals and small businesses and add further instability in U.S. healthcare markets.

I continue to fight for affordable, accessible and quality healthcare for all Americans. I understand the constant stream of news coming out of Washington can be stressful, but I wanted you to know that I and many of my colleagues in Congress and all across the country are still here fighting for you. If you have any ideas, feedback, comments or criticism, please send them my way.

As always, thank you for reading.

Your friend,