Our Health Care Workers Cannot Fight the COVID-19 Pandemic Without Critically Needed Supplies

April 11, 2020

During these past few weeks, I have been in direct communication with health care workers, hospital administrators and public health directors across our Capital Region who are putting their lives on the line to protect our communities against the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our medical professionals shared with me updates on their response in fighting this public health emergency, along with the numerous challenges they face. Each and every conversation highlights the same critical need for supplies. They detail the difficulties in obtaining N95 masks and other Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as well as shortages or a complete lack of testing kits. Our workers, hospitals and states are doing the best they can with the materials they have been given; but they cannot and should not be forced to respond to this crisis alone.

Federal leadership is essential to spur the production of adequate supplies. That’s why, this week, I sent a letter to Vice President Mike Pence requesting that the Administration immediately invoke the full powers under the Defense Production Act and coordinate the manufacture and distribution of testing kits, PPE and ventilators.

Some measures have been taken to secure more equipment for our health care workers. For example, I was proud to have the Administration’s support in legislation I authored that increased the supply of N95 respirators for our health care workers by adding NIOSH-certified masks as a covered countermeasure under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act. While this provision has made great strides to improve access to these respirators, supply remains insufficient, and there are additional shortages in gowns, testing kits and ventilators.

The Administration must use the Defense Production Act in full fashion to provide our hospitals and communities with the supplies needed to fight this pandemic. I will do everything in my power to ensure these resources are made available for our Capital Region and beyond.

Addressing the needs of our hospitals and health care workers is vital. However, the Coronavirus outbreak has impacted every aspect of life and requires an equally aggressive response. My colleagues and I are working on the details of this response that further speaks to the needs of our small businesses, farmers, state and local government, frontline health care workers and more.

  • On Thursday, the New York Congressional Delegation joined in a bipartisan letter calling for the Department of Health and Human Services to prioritize regions like New York when distributing the $100 billion in CARES Act funding for health care. As the epicenter of this national crisis, our communities are in dire need of more support.
    • Our delegation also joined in a letter to the Health Resources and Services Administration to provide adequate funding to Community Health Centers (CHCs) in our state, which offer medical care and testing for over 2.4 million low-income New Yorkers.
  • On Tuesday, I led a letter calling on big banks to provide better service to small businesses applying for Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans and partner with smaller banks and lending-institutions. These actions will help our small businesses receive immediate relief and support those they employ.

Congress must do more to protect our health care and economy in the coming weeks and months. An effective and robust response will not be possible without your vital input. I encourage you to continue to voice your thoughts and stay in touch with my office, either by phone, by mail or online. In the midst of this crisis, it is more important than ever to communicate well and share information with one another.

While we may be physically separated, we are connected by family, community and faith. Whether observing Easter or Passover this weekend, I wish you and your loved ones strength and good health.

Even in these difficult times, we celebrate the triumph and tradition that these holidays bring. We remember the bonds that link us are stronger than those that keep us apart.

As always, thank you for reading.

Your friend,