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Reps. Tonko and Kinzinger Lead Letter to President Trump Supporting Energy Star

Voluntary program has saved consumers more than $430 billion over its lifetime

“The ENERGY STAR program has an impressive 25-year record providing value to businesses and consumers. This voluntary certification has already saved everyday Americans $430 billion in energy costs over the past 25 years, a benefit that ripples further with every kilowatt hour saved. Our investment in the ENERGY STAR program has more than paid for itself, with lucrative dividends in energy savings and more money in the pocket of the consumer. That’s a win-win.”

WASHINGTON, DC Congressman Paul Tonko (D-NY) and Congressman Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) sent a bipartisan letter to President Trump yesterday in support of ENERGY STAR. The letter was signed by 55 of their House colleagues and urges the President to support this voluntary program that has helped American consumers save billions of dollars on their utility bills since 1992.


More than 1,000 organizations and businesses sent a separate letter to the House Appropriations Committee last week supporting ENERGY STAR.


Rep. Paul Tonko (NY-20): “The ENERGY STAR program has an impressive 25-year record providing value to businesses and consumers. This voluntary certification has already saved everyday Americans $430 billion in energy costs over the past 25 years, a benefit that ripples further with every kilowatt hour saved. Our investment in the ENERGY STAR program has more than paid for itself, with lucrative dividends in energy savings and more money in the pocket of the consumer. That’s a win-win.”


Rep. Adam Kinzinger (IL-16): “For more than two decades, ENERGY STAR has helped American families and small business owners invest with confidence in energy efficiency and spend less money on energy as a result. This voluntary program gives businesses and manufacturers the option to differentiate their products and provides consumers with reliable information before they purchase major appliances or make home improvements.”

The full text of the letter appears below.

Dear Mr. President:

We write today to express our strong support for the Energy Star program. Since 1992, this entirely voluntary program has provided consumers and homeowners with valuable product information so they can invest in energy efficiency with confidence and save money on their monthly utility bills.

The blue Energy Star logo, which nearly nine of every ten Americans now recognize, is a symbol that provides knowledge and security to consumers as they know that a product has been voluntarily tested to prove it will lower utility costs and has the performance and durability that consumers have come to expect. That knowledge has led consumers to purchase energy efficient products that have saved families $430 billion over the past 25 years as a result of this program. 

The program also provides manufacturers, homebuilders, and contractors the option to differentiate their products and services from the wide variety of choices available, should they choose to voluntarily participate. For example, in 2015, over 1,800 different manufacturers made and marketed an Energy Star certified product, 82,000 new homes were built, and 1,600 contractors completed 89,000 retrofits of existing homes that met Energy Star standards to the benefit of consumers.

With over 300 million products sold in 2015, it is clear that consumers have put their trust in Energy Star and the assurance of saving money on energy when they make a large investment in their home or a major household appliance. By giving businesses the option to participate in this program, more consumers have access to the kind of reliable and verified information they seek when they make a significant purchase, like a refrigerator, furnace, television, or roofing materials.

The benefits of Energy Star are realized across the entire U.S. economy from consumers saving money on their utility bills to the broad impact on our manufacturing, engineering, and construction industries. We look forward to working with you to ensure the continued success of the Energy Star program.


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