Bringing Federal Investments into our Capital Region Communities

October 24, 2020

Dear Friends,

My goal as your Representative in Congress has always been to pass meaningful, lasting legislation that supports our Capital Region, and wherever possible to bring federal funding that invests in our families and communities.

In March, My colleagues and I came together in a bipartisan way to deliver the CARES Act, a $2 trillion national rescue plan that set up lifelines for our hospitals and healthcare systems, offered meaningful relief to small businesses and supported families with supplemental unemployment benefits and stimulus checks.

This vital legislation has kept our communities and our economy running for months, staving off even greater job losses, keeping businesses afloat and providing resources needed to help struggling families.

To date, the CARES Act has provided our Capital Region:

  • 9,927 loans to Capital Region businesses through the Paycheck Protection Program, saving an estimated 117,250 NY-20 jobs.
  • Economic assistance to the Capital Region Business Development Corporation to help small businesses devastated by the COVID-19 pandemic totaling nearly $9 million.
  • Support for our local firefighters and other emergency responders, including Troy Fire Department and West Glenville Fire District for personal protective equipment (PPE) and other supplies to keep our fire men and women safe while they fight to protect our families, homes and businesses.
  • Improvements to broadband internet access, specifically, telehealth services to underserved communities throughout the Capital Region so that that patients receive the support and care they needed during this challenging time.
  • Nearly $2 million for Capital Region housing authorities to maintain essential services and needed resources for families and individuals dealing with the impact of COVID-19.

While this economic bulwark kept our economy going and saved countless local jobs, resources are running out, small businesses continue to suffer and local communities are nearing their financial limit.

And America just set a new national record of more than 80,000 COVID-19 cases in a single day. The need for federal leadership to deliver an immediate and robust federal response could not be more clear.

We took action more than five months ago in the House, passing the Heroes Act to deliver $1.3 billion in crisis-response aid directly to New York’s Capital Region and a combined $49.5 billion to New York State overall.

After months of inaction by the Senate, we took the initiative again, passing a compromise rescue package that would still respond to the most urgent needs of American workers, families and small businesses, albeit for a shorter time, and would still deliver a comprehensive plan guided by science to fund testing, tracing and treatment.

I authored a provision included in both of these versions of the Heroes Act that would fix the Medicare Wage Index formula that has unfairly shortchanged Capital Region hospitals and providers for decades. This provision alone would bring $100 million more in federal funds coming to our region annually and allow our local hospitals to better support patients and our community.

I am proud of the work we have been able to accomplish for our region by working together. Now we need Senate Republicans to take their oath of office and their duty to govern seriously. The stakes are nothing short of the economic health of our nation, and the lives, livelihoods of our people and of our American Democracy.

Even as the election looms, our negotiations continue. I will not stop fighting to ensure that Congress makes the needed investments in our region and in the American people. That is our best and only way for us to get to the other side of this crisis. 

As always, thank you for reading.

Your friend,


Throughout this pandemic, my office and I have worked to make sure you remain informed with the latest updates and recommendations on any and all COVID-19 related topics. With that in mind here is some information that may be of interest to you:

  • The IRS has set November 10 as "National EIP Registration Day," in final push to encourage everyone who doesn't normally file a tax return to register to receive an Economic Impact Payment.
  • The event will take place ahead of the extended November 21 registration deadline, and feature support from IRS partner groups inside and outside of the tax community, including those that work with low-income and underserved communities.
    • These groups will help spread the word about the new November 21 deadline and, in some cases, provide special support for people who still need to register for the payments.
  • Anyone using the Non-Filers tool can speed up the arrival of their payment by choosing to receive it by direct deposit. Those not choosing this option will get a check.
  • People who don't typically file a tax return can register using the Non-Filers: Enter Info Here tool.