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Tonko Announces COVID-19 Grant for West Glenville Fire District

Assistance to Firefighters Grant Supplemental will provide PPE to local firefighters

AMSTERDAM, NY—Congressman Paul D. Tonko announced today that West Glenville Fire District 6 is being awarded an Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) COVID-19 Supplemental totaling $2,368.78. Tonko sent a letter of support to help secure this funding; in it he requested consideration for West Glenville Fire Company’s application for this grant. The supplemental funding will be used for to provide PPE to local firefighters including masks, face shields, gowns and gloves.  

“Even in the midst of this public health crisis, our firefighters continue to answer the call and put their lives on the line to serve when our neighbors need them most,” Congressman Tonko said. “This award will mean our West Glenville firefighters can get critically-needed resources that will help these first responders combat the ongoing pandemic. As we continue to face this COVID-19 crisis, we must be vigilant and ensure our local heroes have the tools and resources they need to protect themselves and our families and communities. I will not stop pushing on their behalf until the last of our frontline workers and first responders has the PPE and other resources they need to protect every neighborhood and community across our Capital Region.” 

This grant is part of Round 4 of the Department of Homeland Security's FY 2020 Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program – COVID-19 Supplemental (AFG-S) awards. This program is administered by the Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency in cooperation with the U.S. Fire Administration.


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