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ATR Caucus


Caucus Background:

The Congressional Addiction, Treatment, and Recovery (ATR) Caucus is a group of Members dedicated to advancing bipartisan solutions to the country’s multifaceted addiction crisis. The Addiction, Treatment, and Recovery Caucus is the first and longest running Congressional Caucus that recognizes addiction as a disease. This year (2025) marks 21 years since the inception of this Caucus, where Members come together in bipartisan fashion to address the stigma of addiction and work together to save lives.

At a time when the United States is facing an overdose crisis, coupled by a nation-wide shortage of healthcare professionals, the ATR Caucus will serve as a forum for bipartisan action to support communities across the United States and drive commonsense solutions to the problems underpinning the crisis. The ATR Caucus has long been dedicated to education and to raising awareness among lawmakers about addiction with a strong focus on increasing support for expanding access to prevention, treatment, and recovery services.

The ATR Caucus is made up of more than 80 Members of Congress from both sides of the aisle.

Representatives Paul Tonko (NY-20) and Dave Joyce (OH-14) serve as Co-chairs, and Madeleine Dean (PA-4) and Jen Kiggans (VA-02) serve as Vice Co-Chairs.

Last congress, the Caucus held and collaborated on more than 20 events.

2024 Events included:
  • Member Visit to Fairfax County Adult Detention Center to learn about recovery program
  • Methadone 101 Briefing hosted by the Overdose Prevention Initiative
  • Medicare Coverage of Substance Use Disorder Care: Gaps and a Path to Reform Briefing hosted by the Mental Health Liaison Group and the Coalition for Whole Health
  • Next Stage of Addressing the Addiction and Overdose Epidemic Briefing hosted by Addiction and Public Policy Initiative at Georgetown Law’s O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law
  • Help Wanted: The SUD Workforce Credentials Briefing hosted by IC&RC and the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (AAAP)
  • Healing the Opioid Crisis with Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement: A New, Neuroscience-Informed and Evidence-Based Treatment for Addiction and Chronic Pain Briefing hosted by the University of Utah’s Center on Mindfulness and Integrative Health Intervention Development
  • Anonymous Sister Film Presentation, Naloxone Training and Panel Discussion with filmmaker
  • A Population Health Approach to Youth Substance Use Disorder Prevention Virtual Briefing hosted by the American Psychological Association (APA)
  • Addressing Inequities: The Overdose Crisis and Black Americans Briefing hosted in collaboration with the Congressional Black Caucus and hosted by the Overdose Prevention Initiative
  • Naloxone and OTC Availability Hosted by Emergent
  • Congressional Naloxone Training Hosted by GHAI and Hoya Dope




         Paul Tonko (NY-20)                                                    Dave Joyce (OH-14) 

Vice Co-chairs
            Madeleine Dean (PA-4)                                                      Jen Kiggans (VA-02)



Gabe Amo (RI-1)   Raul Grijalva (AZ-7) Seth Moulton (MA-6)
Jake Auchincloss (MA-4) Steven Horsford (NV-4) Jerry Nadler (NY-12
Don Bacon (NE-2) Jared Huffman (CA-2) Joe Neguse (CO-2)
Troy Balderson (OH-12) Sara Jacobs (CA-51) Donald Norcross (NJ-1)
Becca Balint (VT) Pramila Jayapal (WA-7) Frank Pallone (NJ-6)
Tom Barrett (MI-7) Hakeem Jeffries (NY-8) Chris Pappas (NH-1)
Donald Beyer (VA-8) Hank Johnson (GA-4) Scott Perry (PA-10)
Gus Bilirakis (FL-12) Marcy Kaptur (OH-9) Brittany Pettersen (CO-7)
Mike Bost (IL-12) Bill Keating (MA-9) Hal Rogers (KY-5)
Julia Brownley (CA-26) Tim Kennedy (NY-26) Pat Ryan (NY-18)
Nikki Budzinski (IL-13) Mike Kelly (PA-16) Andrea Salinas (OR-6)
Salud Carbajal (CA-24) Ro Khanna (CA-17) Mary Gay Scanlon (PA-5)
Andre Carson (IN-7) Kimberlyn King-Hinds (MP) Jan Schakowsky (IL-09)
Kathy Castor (FL-14) Greg Landsman (OH-1) Brad Schneider (IL-10)
Judy Chu (CA-28) Nick Langworthy (NY-23) Mike Simpson (ID-2)
Katherine Clark (MA-5) Rick Larsen (WA-2) Chris Smith (NJ-4)
Yvette Clarke (NY-9) Zoe Lofgren (CA-18) Darren Soto (FL-09)
Emanuel Cleaver (MO-5) Stephen Lynch (MA-8) Claudia Tenney (NY-24)
Gerry Connolly (VA-11) Seth Magaziner (RI-2) G.T. Thompson (PA-15)
Angie Craig (MN-2) Doris Matsui (CA-7) Lori Trahan (MA-3)
Jasmine Crockett (TX-30) Sarah McBride (DE) Mike Turner (OH-10)
Danny Davis (IL-7) Betty McCollum (MN-4) Sylvester Turner (TX-18)
Mark DeSaulnier (CA-10) Morgan McGarvey (KY-3) Juan Vargas (CA-52)
Debbie Dingell (MI-6) Jim McGovern (MA-2) Marc Veasey (TX-33)
Lloyd Doggett (TX-37) Gregory Meeks (NY-5)  Nydia Velazquez (NY-7)
Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-1) Joseph Morelle (NY-20) Joe Wilson (SC-2)
Bill Foster (IL-11)  Kelly Morrison (MN-3)  

Have any questions or interested in collaborating on an event with the Caucus?
Please contact:

Emily Silverberg                                                                                  Ashley Roberts
Office of Congressman Paul Tonko                                          Office of Congressman Dave Joyce                                            
Emily.silverberg@mail.house.gov                                             Ashley.Roberts@mail.house.gov                   


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