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Speeches and Floor Statements

Congressman Paul D. Tonko Floor Statement in support of H.R. 3962, the Affordable Health Care for America Act November 7, 2009

Thank you M. Speaker. 

I am here to speak in support of the Affordable Health Care for America Act, one of the most important pieces of legislation this body has considered since the passage of Medicare in 1965 and Social Security in 1935.
M. Speaker, every member of this body has been listening to her or his constituents, and they are saying that they are ready for health insurance reform; they need health insurance reform.
We listened when seniors said they wanted better care from their doctors and the donut hole eliminated.  This bill does that.
We listened when young adults told us they were having trouble finding insurance and wanted to stay on their parents’ insurance until age twenty-seven.  This bill does that.
We listened when the uninsured told us heartbreaking stories about going without needed health care and asked us to give them affordable, quality health insurance.  This bill does that.
We listened when the insured told us they were paying too much for insurance and they needed more protections for their health insurance.  This bill does that.
Our colleagues on the other side of the isle have not listened.  They are offering a substitute bill that would not accomplish any of the things our constituents have asked for.  Instead, they are offering a bill that does not end the discrimination based on preexisting conditions; does not reduce the number of uninsured Americans; does not offer assistance to those struggling to afford health insurance; does not repeal the anti-trust exemption for health insurers; and does not stop price gouging by insurance companies.  Our bill does all these things and more.
M. Speaker, the Affordable Health Care for America Act not only brings quality health care within reach of tens of millions of Americans, it enhances the care that those with insurance and Medicare already receive.  This bill is as much about the insured as it is about the uninsured.  It is a monumental bill and I urge defeat of the Republican substitute and passage of H.R. 3962.


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