AMSTERDAM, NY—Congressman Paul D. Tonko released his Legislative Audit for the 116th Congress today assessing the status of legislation he sponsored during the 116th Congress (2019-2020). The audit reveals significant achievements for the legislator including 12 bills finalized or signed into law, 22 of 29 bills passed by the House and 26 of 29 bills co-sponsored by at least one Republican cosponsor.
“I have always believed that, when you put the needs of the people you represent above all else, that spirit of service comes through in your work and the results you deliver for your community,” said Tonko. “That spirit faced many tests this term especially as the COVID pandemic swept across our nation and stole the lives and livelihoods of so many of our neighbors, friends and loved ones. While our year-end relief efforts fell short of what I believe the American people need right now, I do take solace in the fact that we were able to overcome the noise of partisanship to make good laws on a bipartisan basis, and to deliver real solutions that will make a meaningful difference in the lives of millions of Americans for years to come.”
Signature Tonko laws this term included legislation to:
- Simplify and expand access to federal broadband resources,
- raise the funding limit for the Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor,
- establish strong national anti-doping and other equine protections in the sport of horse racing,
- advance significant climate reforms to invest in clean energy research and development,
- put America at the leading edge of a global transition from harmful HFCs to next-generation refrigerants, and
- ensure patients and families facing an Alzheimer’s diagnosis have the resources to create care planning through Medicare.
Click here to read Rep. Tonko’s full Legislative Audit for the 116th Congress
Tonko racked up significant achievements beyond his own legislation during the 116th Congress including:
- Ranked #48 of 435 House members in overall bipartisanship by The Lugar Center
- Elected by fellow members to Chair the House Energy & Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on Environment & Climate Change
- Led the charge for comprehensive U.S. climate action in Congress:
- Co-chaired Sustainable Energy & Environment Coalition (SEEC), National Heritage Areas Caucus, Horse Caucus, vice co-chair of Addiction, Treatment, and Recovery Caucus
- National leader for scientific integrity & strong, independent science policymaking:
- Led the fight to protect independent science advisory boards at public agencies
- Served as key respondent in NOAA “Sharpiegate” Scientific Integrity complaint
- Worked tirelessly to protect federal science including testimony and letters opposing EPA selective science rule
- Led the fight for expanding access to broadband, including:
- Pushed NTIA successfully to set up federal web site with all broadband resources
- Led a winning fight to include New York when the FCC attempted to exclude New Yorkers from accessing federal broadband funding
- Led bipartisan coalition in House & Senate for national limousine safety reforms
- Pushed National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) to adopt Tonko limousine safety recommendations
- Fought for consumer protections: My PayrollHR scandal, circuit breaker safety, and more
Congressman Tonko’s strong dedication to community service is also reflected in his legislative record, with several pieces of legislation developed out of direct conversations, advocacy and engagement with Capital Region constituents. This includes the limousine safety package, where he worked directly with the families of the victims of the tragic Schoharie limo crash in October 2018 and developed and advanced this legislation to prevent another tragedy. Congressman Tonko also worked alongside local heritage leaders to protect Upstate New York’s historic Erie Canalway by extending authorization of the Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor Commission. The legislation was passed out of the House in December 2020.
Most recently, he advanced the Artificial Intelligence Education Act out of the House, a bill inspired by former Shaker High School student, Nathan Wang, who worked with the Congressman to help K-12 students access STEM learning of A.I. technologies. The bill was advanced in the FY2021 National Defense Authorization Act and is expected to become law.