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Tonko Advances Build Back Better Budget Out of Committee

Plan delivers critical investments to combat climate change, support public health & strengthen economy

  • Rep. Paul Tonko

WASHINGTON, DC—Congressman Paul D. Tonko, Chair of the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Environment and Climate Change, joined the full Energy and Commerce Committee in a markup to advance the Build Back Better plan, powerful legislation at makes key investments in climate mitigation, public health, clean energy jobs and more in order to build a stronger, more resilient economy.

“The Build Back Better Act offers an unprecedented opportunity to strengthen our economy and drive American competitiveness, all while supporting good-paying jobs and combatting the worsening climate crisis,” Congressman Tonko said. “The many recent extreme weather events that have devastated our communities, as well as the ongoing health and economic impacts of the COVID crisis have shown us the urgency in making these investments. I am proud to join my colleagues in Energy and Commerce in support of these transformative provisions, a number of which I authored. I will continue fighting to deliver these vital resources to the American people.”

The Energy and Commerce committee passed a slate of investments as part of the Build Back Better Act, including:

  • Energy and Environmental provisions that create a Clean Electricity Performance Program; strengthen electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure; invest in clean energy technologies; and advance environmental justice
  • Health provisions that support dental, vision, and hearing coverage for seniors under Medicare; and fund public health infrastructure and workforce
  • Public safety, broadband, manufacturing and privacy provisions to address gaps in internet access; build out consumer privacy protections; and strengthen vulnerable manufacturing supply chains



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