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Tonko Cheers Advance of Provision Funding Erie Canalway & Hudson River Valley

National Heritage Area Act author successfully pushed to extend funding limits for 30 historic sites across the U.S.

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WASHINGTON, DC—Congressman Paul D. Tonko cheered the House passage of a provision he championed to support America’s Heritage Areas, including the Erie Canalway and the Hudson River Valley in the Capital Region. The provision, advanced last night as part of must-pass legislation, would provide continued federal support for 30 National Heritage Areas set to expire or hit their funding caps this fall as early as next week.

“Our National Heritage Areas add to the rich, diverse tapestry of America, connecting us to those who came before and creating a sense of place for future generations,” Congressman Tonko said. “These sites also serve a vital role for local economies, generating billions of dollars for communities across the country. We cannot afford to lose these national treasures. I pushed to ensure our heritage areas can continue to receive the federal resources they need and was proud to take strong action in the House to extend the sunset date for dozens of sites. I will do all I can to support our National Heritage Areas and ensure they can be enjoyed for years to come.”

Rep. Tonko, co-chair of the Heritage Caucus, has long pushed for bipartisan legislation to strengthen America’s heritage areas so that they can continue benefitting communities in the Capital Region and across the country. These historic sites protect natural ecosystems and wildlife, provide clean water and improve public health, create thousands of jobs, and bolster local economies. The United States Department of Commerce estimates that heritage areas contribute $192 billion to the U.S. economy every year.

For years, Rep. Tonko has led the bipartisan National Heritage Area Act to reauthorize all National Heritage Areas through 2034 and formalize the process for designing and maintaining Heritage Areas. Rep. Tonko cheered the bill’s passage in the House earlier this year and now calls for it to be taken up by the Senate and signed into law to bring America’s Heritage Areas the long-term stability and support they need to continue serving our communities. He also recently led bipartisan legislation that would reauthorize the Erie Canalway and Hudson River Valley Heritage Areas.



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