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Tonko Statement Applauding Biden Administration Scientific Integrity Report

Author of Scientific Integrity Act celebrates commitment to upholding federal scientific standards

  • Rep. Paul Tonko

WASHINGTON, DC—Congressman Paul D. Tonko (NY-20), author of the Scientific Integrity Act and member of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology, issued a statement following today’s release of a White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) report of its Scientific Integrity Task Force. This reportcreated in response to President Biden’s call to protect science-based policymakingpresents a comprehensive assessment of federal policies and procedures to maintain scientific integrity.

“As an engineer with a deep respect for science, I have fought for many years to ensure that scientific standards are upheld—no matter who sits in the White House. This OSTP report presents a powerful step forward to restoring public trust in government and upholding vital standards of scientific integrity.

“I applaud the Biden administration’s powerful effort to keep public science independent from political or special interests and I remain committed to continuing this work by passing my Scientific Integrity Act to make sure that these standards are protected under the full force of law.”

A fact sheet of Rep. Tonko’s Scientific Integrity Act can be found HERE.


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