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Tonko Championed CHIPS Funding and Microelectronics Bill Included in COMPETES Act

Cheers successful push to support chip manufacturing, deliver powerful investments for Capital Region & nation

  • rep. tonko press 2

AMSTERDAM, NY—Congressman Paul D. Tonko cheered the House introduction last night of the America Creating Opportunities for Manufacturing, Pre-Eminence in Technology and Economic Strength (America COMPETES) Act. The legislation includes a bill authored by Tonko, the Microelectronics Research for Energy Innovation Act (Micro Act), bipartisan legislation he introduced last month that would empower the Department of Energy to drive up research and development of microelectronics. The legislation also includes funding for the CHIPS for America Act, which Tonko successfully pressed leadership to advance.

“We cannot begin to build back better and strengthen our 21st century economy without robust federal investments in American semiconductor manufacturing,” Congressman Tonko said. “I have long pushed to support this critical industry and am thrilled by the inclusion of my bipartisan microelectronics legislation in our America COMPETES Act. This sweeping action will expand scientific research and development, create quality jobs, and chart a course for American leadership and competitiveness abroad. I look forward to working alongside my colleagues in the House and Senate to swiftly move this legislation forward so that we can build a better tomorrow for America’s workers, consumers, and economy.”

Tonko has championed legislation that would jump start American leadership on semiconductor manufacturing with the introduction of his Micro Act as well as his Manufacturing.gov Act today, bipartisan legislation already passed in the Senate that would establish a website to serve as a hub to connect manufacturers with federal manufacturing programs.

The America COMPETES Act of 2022

  • Creates the CHIPS for America Fund: Including $52 billion for CHIPS for America Act which will incentivize private-sector investments and continued American leadership in semiconductor fabrication and will help address supply chain disruptions and ensure that more semiconductors are produced here at home.
  • Strengthens the Supply Chain & American Manufacturing: Authorizing $45 billion to improve our nation’s supply chains and strengthen our economy and national security by preventing shortages of critical goods and ensuring that more of these goods are made in the United States.
  • Advances American Scientific Research, Technology & Innovation Excellence: Making major new solutions-driven investments in every aspect of innovation and scientific research, making the kind of investments that will lead to breakthrough discoveries.
  • Secures America’s Global Competitiveness & Leadership Through Economic Development; Diplomacy, Human Rights & Alliances: Including numerous provisions to strengthen and promote America’s leadership around the globe, including in such areas as investing in partnerships and alliances, investing in standing up for America’s values, expanding our investments in diplomacy, and promoting human rights.

See text for America COMPETES Act HERE

See factsheet of bill HERE



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