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Tonko Announces $2.9 Million+ in Federal Funds to Strengthen Capital Region Health Programs

HHS grants fund local programs supporting cancer research, behavioral health, & more

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ALBANY, NY – Congressman Paul D. Tonko today announced more than $2.9 million in federal funding for six Capital Region programs supporting a wide range of important projects in health research.  These grants, administered by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), will fund programs that conduct cancer research, support the behavioral health workforce, research the effects of PFAS in drinking water and more.

“In recent years, we have seen more clearly than ever the importance of robust, consistent support for our public health infrastructure,” Congressman Tonko said.  “From caring for patients’ everyday needs to conducting cutting-edge research to find new cures and treatments, our local public health organizations and universities provide incalculable value to our communities.  We need to make sure that our local facilities and staff have the funding necessary to continue to provide this lifesaving support, while also maintaining our region as a global leader for research and innovation.  This federal support will help ensure our public health organizations and all who depend on them can access the resources they need.  I will continue to fight to deliver critical investments like these for our Capital Region.”

This round of HHS grants for Capital Region health organizations includes:

  • $1,000,000 for the SUNY Research Foundation to support a study of New York State communities exposed to drinking water contaminated with PFAS, or “forever chemicals”
  • $625,000 for Friends of Recovery New York to support rural behavioral health workforce coordinating centers in Upstate New York
  • $460,856 for SUNY Albany to support research on the manipulation of nucleic acids and its applications
  • $388,608 for SUNY Albany to fund research into the effects of weather extremes and natural disasters on health outcomes among vulnerable older adults
  • $230,154 for Albany Medical College to support cancer biology research
  • $223,395 for Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute to fund pharmacology, physiology, and biochemistry research


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