Thank you M. Speaker.
M. Speaker – I think President Obama was right yesterday when he called our friends on the other side of the aisle “out of touch.”
In my hometown of Amsterdam, NY my neighbors are hurting. In some instances, this recession has eliminated nearly half of their retirement savings. Others have lost their homes.
Despite this downturn and Wall Street’s recklessness, Republicans STILL want to privatize social security. They want to create a casino economy and play Russian Roulette with our hard earned retirements savings.
Most of the seniors in Amsterdam have worked hard and played by the rules their entire lives. Social security is their crucial safety net and financial security, which they have paid into their entire working life. Let’s not gamble it away to appease Republicans, Wall Street and big banks.
Just a few days ago, the leader of the other side suggested slashing social security benefits and using those funds to pay for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Enough is enough.
Democrats in Congress are standing up for seniors and fighting to protect social security, to create jobs here at home, and to support small businesses as the engine of job growth.
M. Speaker – it is time seniors are paid the respect they deserve.