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Tonko Signs Discharge Petition to Force Vote to Reopen Government

Congressman Paul Tonko (NY-20) joined an effort today to force a vote on legislation that would end the government shutdown. This special congressional procedure, known as a discharge petition, allows a majority of members to bypass the

Congressman Paul Tonko (NY-20) joined an effort today to force a vote on legislation that would end the government shutdown. This special congressional procedure, known as a discharge petition, allows a majority of members to bypass the House Speaker and force an up or down vote on a bill to reopen the government. The federal government has been closed since October 1, 2013, and Republican leaders have repeatedly refused requests from Democrats and some Republicans to pass a funding resolution without controversial items and reopen the federal government. 

“The Republican shutdown has now cost American taxpayers more than $3.3 billion and continues to sap our economy every day the government’s doors are closed – all because of the Tea Party’s reckless and irresponsible obsession with repealing the Affordable Care Act,” said Tonko.“In the House, 200 Democrats and 30 Republicans have expressed their support for passing a clean funding bill that will reopen government, put furloughed federal workers back to work, and restore certainty for small businesses. Still, Republican House Leadership continues to refuse to give this measure a fair vote. It is my hope this petition will force a vote and do the right thing for the American people.”

The government shutdown has hurt the middle class and our economy, and will get worse as it continues.  Costing taxpayers up to $300 million a day, it has stopped critical loans to small businesses and slowed the processing of veterans disability claims. The shutdown has prevented NIH from taking new patients and halted life-saving medical research and stalled much-needed housing loans for American families.

The discharge petition for H. Res. 372would allow an up or down vote on a clean continuing resolution, providing funding through November 15 at a compromise level requested by Speaker Boehner. This discharge petition only needs a majority of House members to sign on and does not require any action by the Republican leadership.

Discharge petitions have been proven successful in the past in bringing up legislation for consideration.  

·        According to a Congressional Research Service study, seven discharge petitions have received 218 signatures over the last 30 years. And in all seven cases, the majority party agreed to bring the measure to the House floor.

·        12 measures were allowed to be brought to the House floor even before the discharge petition reached the full 218 signatures. 

You can see which Members of Congress have signed onto the discharge petition in real time by visiting the House Clerk’s office here: http://clerk.house.gov/113/lrc/pd/petitions/DisPet0005.xml


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