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Tonko Opposes Outrageous GOP Plan to Help Wealthy Tax Cheats and Politicize International Crisis

Partisan bill also fails to provide any funding for humanitarian assistance, Ukraine & other global conflicts

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WASHINGTON, DC — Congressman Paul D. Tonko (NY-20) today announced his strong opposition to H.R. 6126, the Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act. This legislation proposes to provide assistance to Israel by cutting $14.5 billion to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), funding that is specifically designed to help the agency crack down on tax fraud from big corporations and the wealthy. Despite Republican claims, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects this legislation to increase the federal deficit by $12.5 billion by further enabling the wealthiest and big corporations to cheat on their taxes.

“Republicans are using the horrific conflict and pain unfolding in Israel and Gaza as an excuse to pursue their harmful cuts and allowing billionaires to avoid paying their fair share,” Congressman Tonko said. “Not only does this legislation deny urgently needed humanitarian assistance for those in Gaza, it would also increase our national debt by billions. House Democrats are ready to come together to confront the global challenges we face, yet House Republicans have chosen to stand alone in their reckless pursuit of cuts that do not support our allies or protect national security. I urge Republicans to end the political games and join us in passing bipartisan legislation that addresses national security, delivers aid to those caught in the crossfire of this conflict, and meets the needs of America and its allies.”

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