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Tonko Announces $33,749,974 for Rail Safety Upgrades on NY Empire Corridor

Federal grant award will implement speed control system on Federally Designated High Speed Rail Corridor

“Our nation’s railways remain one of the safest and most energy efficient ways to travel, but recent passenger rail incidents on Northeast rail lines highlight the need to keep these systems updated with the latest proven safety technologies. Positive Train Control saves lives, plain and simple. It is long overdue. I am glad to have advocated for this funding and technology to be brought back to New York to ensure our leisure and business travelers, as well as Amtrak workers and general public, are kept safe.” - Rep. Paul Tonko

ALBANY, NY Rep. Paul Tonko (D-NY) announced today that $33,749,974 has been awarded to the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) by the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Railroad Administration to implement a Positive Train Control (PTC) system on the Empire Corridor Hudson Line as part of the FY 2017 Positive Train Control Grant Program

Rep. Tonko highlighted the life-saving benefits of the award, saying “Our nation’s railways remain one of the safest and most energy efficient ways to travel, but recent passenger rail incidents on Northeast rail lines highlight the need to keep these systems updated with the latest proven safety technologies. Positive Train Control saves lives, plain and simple. It is long overdue. I am glad to have advocated for this funding and technology to be brought back to New York to ensure our leisure and business travelers, as well as Amtrak workers and general public, are kept safe.”

The project will implement Advanced Civil Speed Enforcement System (ASCES) Positive Train Control on the Amtrak controlled section of the Empire Corridor Hudson Line, a Federally Designated High Speed Rail Corridor, which spans multiple jurisdictions along its 94 miles from Poughkeepsie to Hoffmans, New York.

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