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Speeches and Floor Statements

Rep. Tonko Remarks on Tonko Amendment to the GIVE Act During House Education & Labor Committee Meeting

| Posted in Speeches and Floor Statements

This amendment establishes the Social Innovation Fund, which would support our nation’s social entrepreneurs.  As we heard last month in our hearing on national service, Cheryl Dorsey of Echoing Green explained that social entrepreneurs, “identify and take responsibility for an innovative and untested idea for positive social change, and then usher that idea from concept…

Rep. Tonko Floor Speech on National School Breakfast Program

| Posted in Speeches and Floor Statements

I rise to recognize the importance of the National School Breakfast Program and to express my support for the resolution by the Gentlelady from Wisconsin that we passed this evening.School breakfast programs, particularly where breakfast is served in the classroom, have shown to increase student attentiveness, academic performance and decrease tardiness and disciplinary…

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