Reporting Waste, Fraud, and Abuse
Whistleblowers play a vital role in ensuring government accountability by exposing wasteful spending, improving federal programs, protecting the integrity of government-funded projects, and even saving lives.
If you have concerns about waste, fraud, abuse, or mismanagement in federally funded programs, we encourage you to reach out to my office. Protected whistleblowing activity generally includes disclosing information that you reasonably believe provides evidence of:
- A violation of law, rule, or regulation
- Gross mismanagement or waste of funds
- Abuse of authority
- A substantial and specific danger to public health or safety
Executive branch employees covered under the Whistleblower Protection Act can also make protected disclosures about censorship related to research, analysis, or technical information if they reasonably believe that censorship will cause any of the categories of misconduct above.
Your Rights and Protections
Public employees have a constitutional right to communicate with Congress on matters of public concern. Federal law prohibits retaliation, or threat thereof, against whistleblowers and protects whistleblowers in providing information to Congress, including protections outlined in:
- 5 U.S. Code § 2302 – Prohibited personnel practices
- 5 U.S. Code § 7211 – Employees’ right to petition Congress
If you wish to submit (unclassified) information or discuss concerns with our office, you may contact us via:
Online Form: Office of Rep. Tonko Whistleblower Intake Form
Phone: (202) 225-5076
We respect your right to remain confidential, and we will use your contact information only to follow up with you regarding your submission. You may fill out the form anonymously. However, please be aware that anonymous disclosures may limit our ability to respond to the information you provide.
If you would prefer to submit your allegation through the House Science Committee, please go to Science & Tech Whistleblower | Contact | House Committee on Science, Space and Technology
If you would prefer to submit your allegation through the House Oversight Committee, please go to
If you would prefer to submit your allegation through the Energy and Commerce Committee, please go to
Additional Considerations
- Confidentiality: Your personal information will remain confidential pursuant to the Code of Official Conduct for the House, clause 21 of Rule XXIII. Generally, the choice to remain confidential or go public with your information will remain up to you, and staff will ask explicit permission before your information is shared externally. Exceptions to confidentiality requirements are outlined in the Code of Official Conduct for the House clause referenced above.
- Accuracy: You have the right to review, update, and correct information shared with the Office.
- Modes of Communication: To better protect your communications, do not contact the Committee using work resources (like a work phone or email address) or while you are at work.
- No Guaranteed Outcomes: While we cannot guarantee specific actions or resolutions, we take all disclosures seriously and will carefully evaluate the information provided.
- Not legal counsel: The office cannot, in any way, act as your legal counsel.
In addition, please follow this link to review a document compiled by the House Office of the Whistleblower Ombuds providing tips to whistleblowers compiled by attorneys and experts.
Congressman Tonko is committed to ensuring government accountability and transparency. If you have concerns, we encourage you to reach out.
**The information conveyed on this webpage is for general informational purposes only. Contents are not legal advice.**