"Since 2002, the Brownfields program has helped put tens of thousands of acres of economically critical land back into circulation, supporting local economies and encouraging greater development in areas that were previously written off. In the process, more than 130,000 jobs have been created and $24 billion has been leveraged from federal investment. Local governments are realizing that through this program we can turn a liability into an opportunity." Read more »
"The President’s Executive Order on this issue is more than bad policy, it is a critical failure to respond to a real and proven threat to the lives and livelihood of millions of American families. This bill would stop it in its tracks.” - Rep. Paul Tonko Read more »
"This is not a healthcare plan, it’s a tax on working families and seniors and a tax cut for millionaires and billionaires. Without exception, this is the most harmful, most irresponsible piece of major legislation I have ever seen. Under this plan our middle class and working families pay more for less coverage. Our seniors and those approaching retirement are forced to pay thousands more to stay covered. And 24 million more of our most vulnerable neighbors will be shoved out into the cold." - Rep. Paul Tonko Read more »
"With proper support from Congress, we can ensure that the future global energy system, and the infrastructure that will support it, will be researched, designed, and manufactured here in the United States. And that our energy workforce is representative of our nation." - Rep. Paul Tonko Read more »
"President Trump’s directive to freeze EPA grant funding is very concerning. Just last month, Democrats and Republicans in Congress came together in a bipartisan fashion to pass long overdue aid for the people of Flint, Michigan. Flint families have waited long enough for help and President Trump's EPA directives should not jeopardize or delay real aid from reaching Flint or any other community in need." Read more »
"As Ranking Member of the Environment Subcommittee, I will continue to fight for protections for our air, investments in water infrastructure to keep our families safe, and policies that slow or reverse the devastating effects of climate change that threaten America’s industries and the jobs and opportunities that depend on them." - Rep. Paul Tonko Read more »
In 2016, Congressman Paul Tonko (NY-20) built on previous years of success in working across the aisle to pass legislation that supports Capital Region job creators, makes our water safer, combats the opioid crisis, provides relief to those living with mental illness, enhances public health, protects consumers, and sets the nation on its clearest path yet to overcoming Alzheimer’s… Read more »
U.S. Rep. Paul Tonko has beaten the drum for improved drinking water infrastructure for a year or more, leading tours to emphasize how much of the Capital Region's aging pipeline system dates back to the 1800s, when Rutherford B. Hayes was in the White House.
An engineer by training and temperament, he saw disasters waiting to happen. And now they have, in Flint, Mich., as well as in Troy and Hoosick Falls. Read more »