WASHINGTON, DC—Congressman Paul D. Tonko (D-NY) decried the vote by Republicans tonight to pass legislation that eliminates federal funding delivered to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) under the Inflation Reduction Act. This funding, advanced by House Democrats last year, set out to help the agency ensure Americans received their tax returns quickly and to make billionaires and wealthy… Read more »
WASHINGTON, DC—Congressman Paul D. Tonko today voted to pass the Inflation Reduction Act, transformational legislation that delivers on Democrats’ promise to fight inflation and cut costs for consumers all while taking the most aggressive action in history to combat the crisis of climate change and drive clean energy advancements.
As Chair of the Subcommittee on Environment and Climate… Read more »
“There should be no confusion that New Yorkers who file their taxes will get the tax refund they are entitled to, in full and on time, and to do that we must re-open the IRS" - Rep. Paul Tonko Read more »
"If this betrayal is approved by the Senate and signed by the President, it will marshal in one of the largest long-term redistributions of wealth to the wealthy in our nation’s history." - Rep. Paul Tonko Read more »
"Congressional Republicans took another step forward today in their plan to raise taxes on millions of middle class families, rip away their healthcare and explode the deficit, and give massive tax handouts to some of the wealthiest individuals and corporations in the world. Their vote today betrays millions of working families in New York and all across the country." Read more »
"This bill would mean women who are pregnant and children with asthma can be priced out of coverage due to preexisting conditions. It means seniors will pay five times more in premiums under a crushing age tax. It means 24 million Americans will lose coverage. And it steals from Medicare and Medicaid, all to give a massive tax break to millionaires and special interests. We are a better, greater nation than this." Read more »
"This is not a healthcare plan, it’s a tax on working families and seniors and a tax cut for millionaires and billionaires. Without exception, this is the most harmful, most irresponsible piece of major legislation I have ever seen. Under this plan our middle class and working families pay more for less coverage. Our seniors and those approaching retirement are forced to pay thousands more to stay covered. And 24 million more of our most vulnerable neighbors will be shoved out into the cold." - Rep. Paul Tonko Read more »