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Tonko Electric Vehicle Charging Bill Advances in House

Clean vehicle infrastructure measure boosts potential for economic opportunity, improves charging station access for current & prospective EV owners

WASHINGTON—Congressman Paul D. Tonko celebrated the advance of his bill, H.R. 5530, the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Rebate Act, through the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy today as part of a broader Electric Vehicle (EV) legislative package, H.R. 5545, the NO EXHAUST Act of 2020. Tonko’s forward-looking legislation would provide incentives to encourage U.S. consumers, as well as public and private entities, to invest in electric vehicle charging infrastructure. The bill now moves to the Full Committee for further review.

“Improving our infrastructure to better support electric vehicles will make EV ownership a more reasonable, attractive option for millions of American consumers and their families,” Congressman Tonko said. “Upgrading America’s EV charging infrastructure will mean cleaner air and less climate pollution from the transportation sector, currently the leading source of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. Spurring a national transition to electric also opens countless economic opportunities for American businesses and consumers, strengthens our energy security and lowers transportation costs for families and households.” 

The Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Rebate Act would: 

  • Establish a federal rebate program overseen by the Department of Energy to reimburse Americans for the purchase and installation cost of electric vehicle supply equipment
  • Make public and private entities eligible to receive a rebate of 75 percent of purchase and installation cost up to $2,000 for non-networked Level 2 charging stations, $4,000 for networked charging stations, and $75,000 for Direct Current (DC) Fast Charging stations
  • Encourage public accessibility of charging stations by requiring that eligible equipment be installed at a multi-family housing unit, a workplace, or a publicly accessible parking lot.

There are more than one million electric vehicles on U.S. roads today. By 2030, that number is expected to grow to more than 18 million. America’s EV owners will require a projected 9.6 million charging stations to support this increase in electric vehicles.  


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