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Tonko Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Bill Advances in Major House Vote

Environment & Climate Change Subcommittee Chair moves clean vehicle infrastructure investment measure to boost economic gains from climate action

  • Rep. Paul Tonko

WASHINGTON—Congressman Paul D. Tonko, Chair of the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Environment and Climate Change, cheered the advance today of Electric Vehicle Infrastructure provisions he authored and championed that build a national network of publicly accessible EV charging stations as part of the INVEST in America Act.

“Climate is inextricably linked with infrastructure, it is impossible to address one without impacting the other,” Congressman Tonko said. “Building out our EV infrastructure is a vital step forward, not just for tackling the climate crisis, but for driving economic growth and propelling American manufacturing and competitiveness around the world. We must continue to build on this work to address climate change with further bold investments that set our nation on the path to its brightest clean energy future.”

Rep. Tonko’s EV provisions were adopted as part of an amendment offered by Energy Subcommittee Chairman Bobby Rush.

Today more than 80 percent of EV charging occurs at homes, but half of U.S. vehicle owners do not have access to a reliable, dedicated, off-street parking space at home. Rep. Tonko’s bill creates a DOE program for rebates to support the installation of charging stations at workplaces, multi-family apartment buildings, and publicly accessible locations, where a significant share of charging is expected to occur in the future.



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