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Tonko Announces Passage of Bipartisan “PFAS Action Act” in House

Comprehensive bill would establish drinking water standards & protect communities from harmful PFAS substances

WASHINGTON—Congressman Paul D. Tonko helped lead House action today ahead of a decisive 241–183 vote to advance H.R. 2467, the PFAS Action Act, bipartisan legislation that tackles per- and polyfluoroalkyl substance (PFAS) contamination. Today’s vote marks the first time the bill has passed as a bipartisan standalone bill this term, handing responsibility to the Senate to move the bill forward onto the President’s desk to be signed into law.

“Thousands of Americans have suffered devastating effects from exposure to PFAS chemicals with little or no action taken by our colleagues in the Senate. Today’s vote gives this bold legislation its best chance yet to raise the bar on PFAS safety and protect the health and welfare of all Americans, especially our hardest hit communities,” Congressman Tonko said. “Without strong action from the Senate to take up our PFAS Action Act and address these ‘forever chemicals’, countless families will remain at grave risk from exposure in their air, water and countless products in their homes and on store shelves. I urge the Senate and White House to finalize passage of this legislation without delay so we start to protect our hometown communities from this dangerous and persistent class of chemical pollutants.”

Tonko has been a longtime champion in the fight for PFAS protections and has served as a chief architect and leading voice in Congress for the PFAS Action Act from its introduction through eventual House passage in the last Congress and continuing through today’s vote.

As Chair of the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Environment and Climate Change, Tonko led the advance of the PFAS Action Act through the House this term.

Energy & Commerce Committee PFAS Action Act fact sheet

Transportation & Infrastructure Committee PFAS Action Act fact sheet


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