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Tonko Statement on Build Back Better Agenda

  • Rep. Paul Tonko

WASHINGTON, DC—Congressman Paul D. Tonko released the following statement today about efforts in Congress to advance President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda:

“Throughout my entire career, I have been working towards and preparing for the opportunity to enact meaningful, transformative climate legislation that delivers for the people. With President Biden’s Build Back Better Act, that opportunity is now. This legislation finally takes the bold action needed to transition the United States to a clean energy economy and sets the stage for America to lead the world in the green economy of the future.

“From the beginning, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act was always intended to be passed in tandem with the Build Back Better Act. Both bills are part of President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda—and each on its own represents an incomplete solution to the challenges facing our nation. In particular, acting on infrastructure alone without simultaneously reducing climate pollution, including failing to adequately invest in zero-emission transportation options, would exacerbate our current climate issues. As such, before we take action on the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act in the House we must have a clear path forward from the Senate on the Build Back Better Act.

“We have already crossed a tipping point with the climate crisis and are experiencing firsthand the effects with extreme weather events like Hurricane Ida that are occurring more frequently and wreaking more devastation than ever before. Yet despite this grim situation, there is still hope—if we take action by passing the Build Back Better Act. This critical legislation seizes the opportunity to tackle climate change and help us build a nation that is cleaner, safer and more competitive—investments that are fully paid for by making billionaires and big corporations pay their fair share. It will save countless lives and create millions of good, American jobs.

“Failure to act will condemn the United States to become a weaker, sicker, and poorer America. The most catastrophic damages will fall upon our kids. For our economy, our communities and our future, we must pass the Build Back Better Act.”



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