WASHINGTON – Congressman Paul D. Tonko announced today that the U.S. Department of Transportation will award a combined $10,158,617 in disaster relief funding to New York State, including $2,000,000 to repair roads and highways damaged by Hurricane Irene in 2011 and $8,158,617 for similar repairs from major flooding in June and July of 2013.
“Last year alone, the United States spent more than $300 billion recovering from climate change-related disasters,” observed Tonko. “These Department of Transportation awards are well-deserved; we know from experience that the initial cleanup cost is just the start. Seven years after Hurricane Irene hit New York, our own recovery continues.”
Tonko added, “With the intensity and frequency of these storms continuing to rise, we must resolve ourselves to move past the drama and denials surrounding climate change and instead shift our focus to managing the long-term costs and consequences of this very real and growing threat. Investing now in mitigation and prevention will serve us far better, and at much lower cost, than waiting for devastation to hit with no plan other than to pick up the pieces.”