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Tonko Statement on Manchin Refusal to Address Climate in Reconciliation

  • Rep. Paul Tonko

WASHINGTON, DC—Congressman Paul D. Tonko today released a statement following Senator Manchin’s assertion that he will not support climate and energy provisions as part of Democrat’s reconciliation package:

“To say I am frustrated by the news last night does not do this feeling justice. I’m furious.

“By tanking the climate provisions in reconciliation, Senator Manchin has destroyed our best chance to take serious steps to address our climate crisis before it’s too late. Generations to come will inherit a less livable world with a more extreme climate because of today’s inaction.

“We are only in a position where one Senator holds this much power over the future of our planet because the entire Republican party has abdicated its duty to act on the defining issue of our time. They have put fossil fuel special interests—and the inflation they are driving—ahead of the needs of our economy and the future of our planet.

“But to be absolutely clear—of the many powerful feelings that Senator Manchin’s rash and dangerous decision has elicited—hopelessness is not one. This situation has only served to strengthen my resolve.

“For decades, I have worked to develop clean energy solutions that address the climate crisis with the urgency it requires, all while bolstering our economy, strengthening national security, and creating good jobs.

“The science is clear. We need to act. No shortsighted decision by any lawmaker, Republican or Democrat, will erase that fact. Nor will it slow my fight for a cleaner world for all.

“I will continue to do all in my power to deliver meaningful climate solutions that protect our communities and leave our children with a more resilient and just planet, including using my position as Chair of the Subcommittee on Environment & Climate Change to encourage EPA to move forward expeditiously with the most ambitious regulations for sources of pollution possible.”


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