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Tonko Questions Experts on Efforts by Big Oil PR Firms to Stifle Climate Action

Joins Subcommittee on Oversight & Investigations to address climate disinformation campaigns spread by PR groups

  • rep. tonko press 2

WASHINGTON, DC—Congressman Paul D. Tonko joined a subcommittee hearing today on Oversight and Investigations to examine the role of Public Relations (PR) firms in helping fossil fuel companies spread climate disinformation and hinder meaningful climate action. Tonko questioned Anne Lee Foster, Former Director of Communication and Community Engagement at Colorado Rising, a non-profit organization working to protect the environment, public health, and safety from Big Oil.

Listen in on Rep. Tonko’s remarks HERE and see questions prepared for delivery:

Constituents in my district care about advancing renewable energy and creating cleaner and healthier communities for all.

The oil and gas industry knows the only way it can combat popular support for building a clean energy future is with disinformation and anti-democratic tactics that prevent communities from doing what they believe is best for them.

I am particularly alarmed by Ms. Foster’s experience in Colorado, where oil and gas PR firms blocked a popular ballot proposition using tactics described by Ms. Foster as nothing short of harassment, stalking, and fraud.

And more than anything, I am alarmed by the Committee’s findings that this is a pervasive issue.

Through PR firms, the fossil fuel industry is strategically misleading members of all of our constituencies to line their own pockets, stymie climate action, and disrupt the democratic process – and they have for decades as our communities suffer the consequences.

  • Ms. Foster, in your testimony, you spoke about the difficulties that Colorado Rising had retaining professional signature gathering firms for your ballot proposition. How common is it to use such a firm? Is it fair to say that a ballot campaign has to use one to have a fair shot?
  • What happened with your signature gathering firms? Did you feel like you could access one whose work you could trust?

Multiple firms leaving sounds like a pattern. In a recording obtained by the Committee, Colorado Rising volunteers asked a signature gatherer why he abruptly stopped working with Colorado Rising. He said, and I quote, “Oh, nobody threatened me. You know what they’re doing, they’re going around buying people.”

  • Ms. Foster, do you believe the other signature gatherers were also paid off?

And in the same recording, the signature gatherer admitted he had been asked to give the signatures he had collected to the opposition group.

  • Ms. Foster, would you characterize this behind-the-scenes interference with your campaign as an open and civil discussion?

The American public deserves to understand the extent that PR firms help oil and gas companies by manipulating public perception and blocking popular efforts.



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